Caterina Stenta - Trail Ambassador

Caterina Stenta - Trail Ambassador

Categories : Sportsmen's stories
Camille Thiré souriante avec une casquette

How did you develop your passion for trail running? And how long have you been doing it?

"I’ve started running quite recently, just after the big lockdown that we had during Covid. I found myself locked at home, unable to do my previous sport (Stand Up Paddle) and when we were able to go out again, the first thing I wanted to do was to run, to feel the freedom we didn’t have during the lockdown. 

From there I slowly started putting some casual running in my training routine, but still not training at all. It was in the summer 2021, when all my Stand Up Paddle races got cancelled, that I signed up for fun at my first trail race. From there I started loving the sport more and more and fell in love with this sense of freedom I felt on the trails. In 2022 I started training more regularly and 2023 was my first year as a pro runner and finished the season with a top20 in the Golden Trail World Series."

What's your best memory as an athlete?  

"The first races I did in the dolomites, with no expectations, just a lot of curiosity to discover new landscapes and a new sport."

A setback that taught you something or taught you a lesson? 

"Few bad races in 2023, like Zegama or others, from which I learnt my weaknesses that I needed to work more. The bad races even taught me to search for a good team to have around, a trainer, mental coach, fisio and not rely only on my self. A good team is important for me to improve and to know I can trust the process."

Camille thiré en pleine course sur un pont pendant l'automne

What is your relationship with sports nutrition?

"I am a big passionate about sports nutrition. I read, try to learn and improve all aspects of diet and nutrition. I try to learn what’s best for my body, specially during and after big races I need to know I give my body all the nutrients it needs."

What are your favourite Meltonic products? And what is your feedback?

"I love the Tonic boost for a daily energy, all the Energy bars and recently I’ve been trying the Tonic Dej for breakfast and I really like it, I will use it during the season before the races! I like of course the Honey both for daily breakfast, and for the races."

What are your goals for the 2024 season?

"I want to give my best in the races I will partecipate and, no matter the results, I want to cross the finish line satisfied with myself. My main goal this year will be the Golden Trail World Series, starting in Japan and China in April."

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